
Shadow of the Day


03-11-2014, 05:54 PM
Ooc:: No worries~~ <3

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Akemi would frown deeply as Tyr spoke again. So maybe what he was saying had truth in it. They were both small... very small. Any wolf with cruel intentions could take advantage of that... and with Tyr's leg the way it was that handicap would make him an easier target. The mention of herself, however, and how she was a female would cause Akemi to flick her ears back, adverting her gaze at the mention of such a thing. It made her uncomfortable at the thought... how some male might be stronger than he and take advantage of her in that way. It also made something dark bubble within her. Akemi had never particularly cared too much for males other than her siblings. She might give them a chance if they seemed nice... but if they did anything to betray her trust, well, she was on them in an instant, for her sharp temper still lurked within.

Akemi would give a soft sigh as Tyr spoke again. "Perhaps so... I've been... trying to work on that at the very least. But even still I won't let anyone walk all over me or do something to me that I don't want. Not without a fight anyway." The she-wolf would look back to her brother. He would speak again, shooting down her idea at company. She would lower her ears a bit, sighing again. "It doesn't matter what you can or can't do, Tyr. Family is family. I don't care if you don't have skills that are normal to most wolves. We'd still be able to talk together, and know we're not alone." Her words betrayed her true feelings... how she wanted more than anything just to be with someone she cared about.

But if Tyr really wanted her to go in the morning then she would go. At his next words Akemi would frown once more. "It doesn't matter who I'm with, Tyr. Sure I adore Hati, and I guess you could say I have a soft spot for Baldur but... I don't know... things are so hectic trying to fit in here. I don't really know which way to go with life at this point. Where to turn myself. I feel like someone just plopped me down in some giant maze and told me to go find my way out." Another sigh would escape her. "More than anything I wish we could all just band together and form our own pack... something different than the one that father had... but I know it is a pointless hope. It's not going to happen." Her gaze was upon the ground now, her heart sinking in her chest.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say