
the future is bright


03-11-2014, 06:21 PM

He heard it all. The boy had been standing in the shadows of the trees when his father had spoken. They were leaving? Why? The place they wanted to go was the same as Seracia...wasn't it? He felt conflicted. His parents were going one way, his siblings another...though the only ones he was close to was Celeste and Caeto, he had never really talked to Arian. A small whimper passes through his lips as he pondered on what to do. He felt so torn. On one paw, he wanted to be with his parents...on the other, he wanted to be with his brother and sister. He had spent so much time with his siblings, there was a bond there that could not be severed. But which choice was the right one? With a sigh, he slipped towards the group just as Celeste began to walk away, and he approaching to see his mother burying her face into his fathers fur. His lip trembled, he didn't want to see his mother cry...would he end up making her cry too?

"M...Mom? Dad? I...I love you both very much...but, I want to stay with Celeste and Caeto...I'll come and visit, I promise! I'd never forget you, you're the best parents ever so how can I?" Moving to his mother, he reached up to nuzzle her neck, giving her a warm and comforting lick as his tail wagged slightly. "Don't cry Momma, no matter where we are or where we go, we'll always be family! And I'll always love you too. So don't cry, okay?"
