
shove it



03-11-2014, 07:20 PM

Ebony paws struck the terra with a muted rage, her emotions held under control as she plodded along after her long swim. Her search for somewhere more interesting to be had failed, and so she was returning to Alacritia and wishing she could just tear everyone in half. She had been chased, attacked, and nearly raped while she had been gone, and the obsidian temptress was far from happy about it. A large reptile, which she quickly recognized as an alligator, had the audacity to hiss threateningly at her. The ebony furred bitch whirled around and snarled at it, charging forward with an expression that could make satan himself shit his pants. She stopped a foot from the grey scaled monster, breathing heavily and her fur raised like an angry porcupine as she snarled furiously. The alligator seemed to think better of his original plot and slid into the muddy puddle behind it's dirty, sun dried ass.

Scowling, the dark furred she wolf continued storming across the island in a huff, her charcoal tipped tail lashing back and forth at her heels as she kicked stones at iguanas and swept geckos into crevices infested by scorpions and spiders. A crocodile started up it's own hiss, and she rounded on it with a thoroughly pissed off expression. "Oh, fuck you! You scaly piece of shit! Go crawl into your muddy hole and sulk over your lack of water before I make you cry yourself a new one!" She screeched at it, baring her fangs as her mismatched optics burned with rage. When it quieted, she whirled around again and stalked over to a spindly, near dead shrub that would probably catch fire at any moment. Flopping down in the weak shade it provided, she glared out at the choppy water and waited for something else to work up the balls to try and piss her off further.

talk, think