
Martyrs of the night


03-11-2014, 07:41 PM

A soft sigh would leave Allen as the femme responded to him. He would give a small nod. "Yes, I'm afraid that it's been like that for a little while now." Loneliness had been something that was eating away at Allen on all sides, targeting his confidence and making him sink down into a state that he barely knew himself in. He would hope, with all of his heart, that perhaps he might befriend this female. That unlike Esperanza he might actually be able to see her again. That someone, somewhere, could be visited. He had no idea if Hajime would ever return and that left only one option... to keep living.

As she introduced herself he would learn both of her name and her pack. Valhalla was one that he was not familiar with. It was the next bit of information, about her lineage, that would cause the brute to widen his eyes in shock. Vahva was family! It had been too long, far too long since he had come across anyone of his family other than Riv or Hajime. "Well that is indeed quite the surprise. I'm a Walker myself. Allen Walker." He would smile for the first time in ages. "Who might your parents have been, Vahva?"

"Speech", 'Thought'