
Uneasy understandings


03-16-2014, 04:54 PM
Neika was oblivious of the kits conditions as it wrestled to get free from her grasp, not that she meant any harm to it, nor did she try to, but something inside of her pulled to keep the small animal at her side. Perhaps it was a sense of being with something that could keep her company even if it was against its will.The cougar sputtered and hissed with their incessant to get away.

"But it needs me and I found it"she protested despite the assertiveness Iorwerth displayed " It cant take care of itself, something will eat it..or even kill it if I let it go". Surely if the mother happened upon them while with her kit, it might've happened by now. As he spoke about something called a Queen Neikas head just turned a little as if trying to make sense of what he was saying.Her lively eyes flickering back over the male wolf's presence then down once more at the kitten, deciding to allow it its freedom. Neika slouched in a defeated sitting position to watch the cougar's silhouette dissolving within the grasses. Looking down trodden and now that Neikas mood was dampened, she felt like an executioner now left to always wonder if the kitten made it or not and what its welfare was.

The breeze came curling in a tapestry of divine motions against her white fur brushing through each strand with a svelte motion as Neika as she finally stood up with her head lowered, wondering what was next as she watched the male. She had two choices. To chase after the kitten, or to talk to this... Queen. She could only hope what ever choice she made, her brother will find acceptable.