
on a mission



10 Years
03-12-2014, 11:12 AM

Though she knew her request was a risky one, Ara also knew she could run if these creatures proved dangerous. She knew nothing of these wolves, nor what they stood for, but thus far they were proving to be fine company.

She watched the slight fear etch itself onto Elsa's features as she admitted which herb she was searching for. "I am not planning to kill anyone," she explained carefully. Killing another with herbs went against everything she stood for. "I am a healer. I seek to ease pain and comfort, and nothing more." She was young, but learning rapidly, always hungry for knowledge. And while she knew Wolfsbane was a tricky herb, she knew a miniscule amount could bring great relief to her father. "My father is growing old, very old, and he does not sleep well. Wolfsbane is strong enough to help him rest when the pain is bad. It is not dangerous if chewed very lightly for very short periods of time, and not ingested. The juices will easily put a large wolf to sleep." Ara was not an expert on all herbs, but knew much about Wolfsbane. Of course, she would never try such a thing with a child or a very small wolf; it could easily be deadly.

Vaughn seemed much less wary of her, though still remained on guard, and with due reason. She was certain she would do nothing to alarm him or make him regret letting her entry. He suggested her remain with her, and she would not argue. "Of course," she said, offering a small and meek smile. "I don't know about the leadership here, but I do hope my appearance opens up conversation about a potential alliance with the Kingdom of Seracia." She didn't know much about politics, nor did she truly care -- but if these creatures were as decent as they seemed, it would help to have them on their side. "My parents do not hold high ranks in the Kingdom, so it is merely a suggestion..." Perhaps it wouldn't work at all, but it was worth a conversation, if nothing else. Carefully she would cross the borders alongside her new acquaintances, hoping that her words had eased Elsa's worried mind.