
myths of the vagabond heart


03-12-2014, 01:52 PM
what are you made of?

[flesh and bone]

The male was silent as the moon rose high in the air. With the oppressive heat of summer building, Altavro had taken to wandering the night as much as possible. The silvery light the moon offered gave Altavro a faint silvery sheen, washing out the tan color of his pelt, and making everything (himself included) look and feel a little surreal. The male liked it, he had to admit. There was a peace in the seclusion that the day could not offer, and the respite from the heat was all but heavenly.

He certainly hadn't mind the cooling swim out to the island either. Once he had made the swim, however, Altavro found himself almost . . . bored. It was a foreign feeling to the wolf, one he wasn't totally sure how to react to. So, he had begun to seek out entertainment, his paws carrying him easily across the dry ground. His strides were wandering and aimless, but the golden wolf was alert, ears swivelling to catch every sound of the night. He seemed to be alone, at least for the moment, with only the nocturnal creatures as company. And most seemed to be content to leave Altavro alone, which was nice but still a little boring. What was there to do on a secluded island in the middle of the night? The answer seemed to be absolutely nothing.

The thought made the golden wolf a little grumpy feeling, but then again, everything seemed to do that. Oh, why had this seemed like a good idea? Oh, right, the heat. Of course. Why did it have to be so warm?

& i'm running out of timeA L T A V R O