
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-28-2013, 09:27 PM

Perhaps he had shown the evidence that he lacked self-control, but such was not the case. Collision was actually, indeed, quite capable of containing his tongue and his actions, but fact of the matter was, he didn't want to. They looked at him like he was bad for speaking in such a way. Hypocritcal, perhaps, was neither here nor there. It was a show for Cyanide. He wanted her to feel important. Tortuga clearly found no purpose in its members. They failed to see that she had not turned her back on them. They had turned their back on her, and she had merely had the courage to stand up and reach for someone else. Simper would drawl across his features and he would snort as Nnoitra rested his case.

Though, he would not be the one to fight on the day, the woman that emerged, seemingly from mist, would offer the words of a fighter. She would offer the heart to earn something, and more than anything, she was willing to put on a fine show and defend her honor. Collision liked her as much as he hated her. Her words were interesting, speaking as though he were wrong in all that he was, but fact of the matter was, he could debate the issue with the woman all day and would leave it all very simply to the winds, "...You cast her though she is meaningless. You stand here as though I am a bigot, and yet you speak with the tongue of a great leader, I wish for a fight solely to show the importance of this woman's life. You wish for a fight so that you can try to make me feel as though my faith is misplaced. Regardless, I rather...admire the fact that you come ready to fight for your home, I will respect that of anyone," A sarcastic smile would render his features, "It'd all be much more interesting if you lead by yourself, y'know," The leader shrugged his shoulders and as they rose above his neck, there they would stay.

Jaws would fall agape and knees would bend into staggered legs, "Ladies first," the lord proclaimed, his golden gaze following the firm visage of the woman before him. Eyes did not fall to her own, they did not rest on her neck, no, they would quint in upon her chest and he would carefully use it to watch the turns of her forelegs. The battle would be glorious and he prayed that the white female before him would prove to be tried and led to be true.

OOC:you decide the rounds, can be as many or as little as you want. I'm comfy with one if you are, i'm good with seven if you are. Also, since you are on realistic PvP, do note that if Morphine goes for anything extreme, Collision will be going for a maim/render of her ability to have offspring.
