
Corvus Raven


03-12-2014, 05:20 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Sea

How did you get here?: Lutara. Clash. Haptic. Luff and family
Age: 21

[Image: rave1.png]

Quote:Character's Name: Corvus Raven Ancora

Age: 6

Season of Birth: Autumn

Adult Height: (in inches) 36inches

Appearance Description:

The completion of black along Raven?s coat is nearly complete, more so then any other wolf in his family but for his uncle who did not follow the same alliance as his brother. The dark shade that takes over his coat may be a single lush colour but it is by far not a single shade. The Glossy ripples that shimmer across the black of his coat in shades or lighter or darker black give an edge to his dark coat. It is only nearly complete because of the underside of his belly that is stained in the creamy shade of white his mother boosts.
Rogue is a throwback of Target, his uncle in terms of colour. His build however is long, and almost thin-like, well his paws are stocky beneath him giving him an almost forever-pup look of a large pawed brute. His eyes are a blue glow surrounded by the dominant black of his shades.

He has a scar located below his jaw bone, but far enough back that it begins under his ear and stretched down towards his neck. It is long since healed, and only this pink skin of the scar where his fur hasn?t grown back, is all that remains.

Personality Description:


His strength is a leading trait against him, strong for the troubles he has survived and in turn thrived in, strong in his alliance of good for the nature of the family he loves and respects. With a mother with morals as strong as Clash?s it?s to no surprise that Raven grew to be a furiously protective wolf, a strong Alpha and a gentle friend.


When there is something he?s passionate about he?s not afraid to fight for it, he was trained in strength and battle by his mother and tactic and planning by his father. He has a rich history of strength bestowed upon him by a family of fighters. His passion won?t allow for another to be hurt around, he would never simply stand and watch, and means he not afraid to chase his dreams.

Seeing his sister Crusade rule a pack he can truly say he learned his duty from her, the difficulties of a hard decision, the ability to put a pack first and how to carve out a life not just for himself but a pack of wolves. A training put into practice when Crusade passed on the care of her beloved pack to him, and then another lesson learnt when he in turn passed it on to another.

His life is evolved around family, strength, passion and duty and are in the very essence of his makeup


Born to the second litter of Crash and Drake and raised in the pack of Starlite amongst a growing and loving family. With a warrior mother and a father with a dark past he was a part of a rich history that he had only just been learning of when he came to hate his father, because of his father?s history. For a little while he feared for his own sanity in the way his father once had. And it wasn?t until he took leadership of the pack Glaciem did he discover who he was, and it was not who his father had once been.

He held a great deal of respect for his older sister Crusade, the founder of the pack he found himself leading and followed in the ideals she had started in the pack.
His family however had started to disappear around him and when it came to the choice of finding his family or leading the pack he chose his family and left the pack in the capable hands of another.

His path after leading the pack was a long and perilous one, always he arrived too late in places they had been. Gargie had been the first to vanish, Clash and Crusade had followed after him, and now Raven had followed after them. The fruitless search to reunite his family had let to nothing and when at last he stumbled home he did not find a peaceful pack awaiting him, he found an erupted volcano that left death upon the land.

Many years had passed before he finally stumbled into the new lands of Alacritis, but was he again too late, had his sibling once again been lost to him?

[Image: rave3.png]