
A Matter of Necessity



5 Years
03-14-2014, 04:29 PM

Raisa could feel them inside of her now. When she moved, their presence was as obvious as the rising sun or the howling wind. It shadowed her every thought, that there were little... tiny... things growing in her gut, feeding off of her strength. It was, to a degree, quite unsettling. She had not planned for this, how a moment of blind passion might so sway the entirety of her future. Motherhood was something she had always been told to expect, and the sooty queen had come to see it as a duty. But that was before her exile. Now she was free, yet that freedom seemed to have bound her more surely than any oath she might give a High Lords first born son, and promise she had made to her mother after a fierce rebuke and cuff around the ear. This was reality, it was her reality, as well as her responsibility.

For all that she had not planned for the things, she found herself taking extra care that one might fathom as affection. She did not run quite so fast, was mindful of where she walked, the quality of the things she ate. There was one thing yet that she had not done, however, and that was spread the news. She had spent a piece of time lately exploring the lands around them, for two reasons. The first was to relocate her wayward steward that had gone off to find himself a mate upon their settling, and the next was to expand. Her numbers were growing constantly, and it seemed as if several more would stand among them before long. She tipped back her head and let loose a howl, so that all of her followers might know her intent. They had quite a bit to discuss.

"Talk" "You" Think

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[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
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