
There's a universe inside my head



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 12:05 AM

Erani gave a low chuckle at the giant female?s words, unphased by the words in regards to her age. For her age, she was surprisingly youthful. Even the powerful Cairo had begun to show major signs of age by this time in his life. She had yet to feel any major aches or pains, let alone arthritis. It was thanks to being a healer, and having a brother that put her through high amounts of training, that she was so young in body. Her haunches lowered to the ground as she listened to the female?s explanation, eyes straying to the children. Thus far, she saw only two, but the female spoke of five.

She thought it over for only a moment. Then nodded. ?I accept them into the pack, and your terms are not at all unreasonable. Should Raven come for them, They will go with her. If she wishes to stay in Valhalla as well, she is welcome. Children shouldn?t be apart from their mothers for too long. We?ve two pups who need playmates.? She added the last bit with a chuckle, before rising to her fours. Turning to Vahva, Erani smiled.

?Go ahead and lead the children to your den. I will be calling the pack to a meeting and a celebration later tonight. At around midnight. Bring them, and I will let you introduce them to the pack. we?ve much to celebrate this evening.? Erani dipped her head respectfully to the giant woman, smiling to the children, then padded away at a graceful trot.

-Exit Erani-