
Some Kind of Wonderful



03-13-2014, 01:52 AM
time to meet the companion! :D

Faolan seemed sure that they would find something today but what the girl wanted to know was what this thing would be, maybe a small treasure or a stranger from outside of the lands. It was a bit concerning but at the same time exciting, and with the silver boy with her, Enola felt like she would be safe if something bad were to happen. He would go back to her side before continuing on, her paws beginning to move with his in a slow but steady pace. Nose would work at the air, organizing the scents and finding things she thought were familiar. Only a pawful of scents she could recognize, not very much compared to the rest, but she would soon figure out a way to learn them.

Faolan would bring up how Seracia was a nice place to be, the girl giving a nod of her head in agreement. ?I really like it here, and mama says she does too.? She would comment, her tail giving a wag as they walked. Adding onto the small conversation, the silver pelted boy would speak about possibly finding something new in their travels today, making the girl grin. The chance for such a thing would be very nice.

Enola would come to a stop however, her nose wiggling as she sniffed at the air carefully. ?Faolan... do you smell that?? Voice would become interested, have caught a scent that was very strange. She took a step forward and stopped to sniff again just as a breeze rolled over them, suddenly bringing more of the scent that the boy would be able to smell better. It was different from the terrain, odd in a way that was unpleasant, but not like a carcass or dung.
