
make me feel wanted [birthing thread]


03-13-2014, 10:37 AM
ooc;; yup Seren! Boys last XD

His whole world was twisting and turning. He could feel everything expand and contract around him as pressure tried to expel him from his home but through it all he hung on. Even with all of his companions within his home leaving he clung there like a tick for as long as he could will it. And then he could hold on no longer and the pressure began too great, pulling him out almost violently as he slid from his mother in a mess of moisture. It was cold here and he hated it already. Everything he had ever known was warmth and now all he could do was sneeze and cough, trying desperately to rid his lungs of the fluids they had been filled with for so long. Tiny paws would streatch and claw, pulling equally tiny body behind them as content red form clawed towards his siblings. He was pretty sure he climbed over one of his sisters and maybe kicked his brother in the head but he really didn't care. They were suckling contently on something and he wanted it to himself. He fell suddenly, finding space between two of his sisters faces and wiggling until he made that space large enough for him to lay between them and latched onto his mother so he to could join in the drink.