
Dance with the Devil


03-26-2013, 11:46 AM

She seemed skeptical, and why shouldn't she be? Maverick was a stranger, and a male stranger at that. The boy inhaled slowly, silently, breathing in what was left of Epiphron's perfume on his hide. A small smile creeped across his lips, trying to reassure her that he was not any threat to her. He could be, if she chose to attack, but finding that unlikely the boy would be certain to treat her kindly. Lime eyes searched her paw for a sign of a wound, for bleeding or oncoming swelling. A small scratch was on her paw, but it didn't cause him too much alarm. He still would like to put the paste on it, if she would allow him to. She would speak up, saying that it was only a scratch, and his brow would raise slightly. He swallowed the remainder of the paste he'd created, finding it rather bitter to eat, but not too horrible. Maverick would make more if he could convince her to let him use it.

"It could become infected. If you don't want me to do it I can talk you through what to do, it's really simple." Perhaps she wasn't trusting enough to allow him nearer, he couldn't blame her for that. If she wanted, he would tell her exactly what to do to treat that scratch, and any other wound she might have or might get in the future. It was a good thing to know, or so he thought. "Yeah, that's probably a better idea." He watched her for a reaction. "You see those plants over there, the green ones with the big leaves? Go to those and pick about three of the greenest leaves you can find. You won't need many since it's a small cut. Once you pick them out, put them all in your mouth and chew them up, but don't swallow. Then apply the paste to your scratch and it'll stop the bleeding and provide a coating to keep the dirt out. It won't last long, but it'll do until you can get home.. wherever that is." Her healers at home could do a nicer job with a better result, but this was more aligned with field-medicine, tactics that could get the job done with minimal effort.

He rocked onto his haunches, already feeling the paste on his paw begin to dry and harden. He would have to be sure to take it easy on the rest of the way home, or he would reopen his wound. Lime eyes would search for pain-killers, eager to find something to reduce the dreadful ebbing soreness in his ribcage. That fall had been harder on him than he'd thought. A nearby bush with berries on it piqued his interest, and he trotted over to it gingerly. Taking the berries in his jaws, he squeezed one until the juices ran out, tasting it tentatively. No sour taste was found, so he assumed it was safe for consumption. He also found the flavor to be quite fruity and sweet. Elderberries. Just what he needed! With a smile he would pick about ten and crush them between his jaws, drinking the juice and swallowing down the skin that remained. Nature's plentiful painkillers. He turned back to the girl, wondering if she would follow his instructions. "I'm Maverick, by the way."
