
Buried With Our Past

Twig I


03-13-2014, 03:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2014, 03:11 PM by Twig I.)
Jinxx first please <3

It had been a bit of time since it was revealed that the she wolf was indeed pregnant. Long enough that now she could see the whelps starting to show within her. She still held the incredible mixed feelings about them within her, but now that she could see their development from the bulge in her sides she knew she had to keep them. Her slate covered paws would bring her close to the Valhallan borders once again, part of her hoping to see Imena there. She had been very kind to her previously, and now she wanted to seek her out for advice. She wanted to give the pups the best start possible, were there specific plants she could ingest to help them along? Should she be thinking of a special diet? Many questions would float through her head as she slowly made her way by the territory. Keeping herself far enough away to not cause anyone's feelings to be hurt, she would continue her walk when she was caught off guard. A scent, his scent, it was Jinxx. Immediately she would feel tears well up within her eyes, her pregnancy causing her emotions to spin out of control. He had disappeared as soon as she had found him, and now he had joined this pack? Where had he been when she was attacked? Her haunches would coil beneath her as her orchid gaze would peer into Valhalla's territory. The lake seemed so close... She would be reminded of her first day with Themisto and the fun they had shared. A whine would be released from her jaws as she wished so much that she could have just relived that day for the rest of her life. Even though she cared for them deeply already, she wished the pups within her had never been created. She wished desperately that she had never been defiled that day, but it had happened. And she had to deal with the consequences.?