
Earth to wind and clay



03-13-2014, 07:50 PM

[Image: kastiel-header.png]

Quote:The wind was a tangible, living thing that pushed against the earth, soothing and guiding as it followed its unruly path against the soft colours of the early morning. Pulsing against his fur and purring against the tips of his ears stirring him from sleep and bringing him from his dreams and into day. He sighed softly as his warm breath broke the dull chill of the morning air and stretched out his stiff limbs. From there he rose and shook the sleep from his coat. It was his second day in these lands and of course he had barely touched the lives of the wolves that thrived here, to know and understand them.

The pulse of memories never quite left him, and his once-free heart ached for the creatures of his past. He knew he had been born to wonder to see and learn, to travel and to teach but he had spent so many years of contentment in a land he had grown to love and respect it had been a difficult path to rediscover his vagabond ways, Illaira, Lakota, Flash, Kite and Eureka where only some of the names he carried in his heart. He sighed once again and tucked the past away deep in his heart, in order to freshly see the day.

After rising and finishing the buried remains of last night?s dinner he continued further into the land, his soft paws making little noise against the cool earth as the sun began to warm the day, he had only a small part of the land committed to memory so far and it would be a long journey until he knew every part of it and the names and alliances of the wolves that took home here, but it was a job he took pride in doing, so long as the wind pushed against his further, urging him ever forward.



[Image: fail-test.png]