
Buried With Our Past


03-13-2014, 08:41 PM
Loneliness had been his only companion for some time now. He had found his way to Valhalla shortly after returning from his journey, a journey that had become for one shred of hope. He had caught the scent, however faint, of one of his brothers. Beau had at one point, crossed paths with his own stale scent. And knew that his brother was out looking for him too. But that hope had quickly faded, perhaps because he had not been able to find his younger brothers scent again after that. It had quickly disappeared at some point, and it left him feeling empty again. Since then, he remained alone in Valhalla...his family nowhere to be found. Until now...

The boy found himself wandering around the territory, always seeking solitude as usual. He had been unable to really interact or socialize with those who were not of his own blood, mainly in part because without his family, he felt he had no confidence...Twig had always been the fearless one. As well as had been Beau and Khaos, but they were not here. And he was alone. At least...he thought so. A scent as ghostly as the thoughts in his mind unraveled and found its way to him, taunting and teasing his senses. Blue eyes rose to stare at the scenery, but nothing had come into view save for the trees and the rocks. Confused, he followed the scent. And the closer he got, the more real it became. There was no mistaking it now, it was his sisters scent. "Ashley...?" He uttered quietly as she trailed over the ground. Everything had been forgotten, his sole focus now was the intent on finding the owner of the scent now. And soon, he would come upon her. Her unmistakable form would become apparent through the foliage, and immediately his heart rose into his chest.

"Ashley!" He cried out, not noticing the change she had come to find herself in. All he cared about right now was seeing her safe, safe and with him. He had failed in his promises of keeping his family safe, and he was sure to find that out soon enough. He rushed towards her, nuzzling her neck and covering her face in tender licks. There no mistaking that he missed her, and he hoped that she missed him just as much. He only hoped that his family held nothing against him. He was back, he was here, and he would remain as long as they wanted him around.