
Buried With Our Past

Twig I


03-13-2014, 09:06 PM

Lavender gaze would leak sweet tears as she sat by one of the lake's streams. She was silent and still, save for her mind and it's contents. She felt as though her thoughts were racing by at a thousand miles per minute, thoughts of Jinxx and her pups. The rest of the family, especially those she had yet to reunite with. The future was so uncertain to her, what was she goin to do? She felt safe with her family, but it seemed so hard to keep her siblings together. It had been days since she had seen Pulsus or Angel let alone Jinxx and Divinity. Her slate backed ears would fall to her crown as the saddened emotion would begin to take over. She felt so alone, even Themisto had been scarce. All she wanted was to curl up within his grasp and have him tell her everything would be okay. He felt so distant though.. Was she wasting her feelings on the sunny eyed healer? She desperately hoped not, he seemed her only light in a darkening world. Still the tears would fall as she caught wind of the scent again. Jinxx.
Suddenly her first name would make it to her audits, her royal purple gaze coming to find his form galloping towards her. She would find herself standing again, her charcoal covered limbs prancing in place as her brother collided with her chest. His nuzzles and loving kisses were returned as she whined in pleasure at his presence, he had left her previously, he had failed to protect her, but he was here now. He was right in front of her and it felt so good to have him within her grasp. "Jinxx it's really you." she would grow still as she wrapped her neck around his own, tears still falling liberally from her face. Reality would settle back in, and all of the happenings he had missed would swim about her thoughts. Silently she would enjoy his simple presence, but an anxiety would well up within her. How would she tell him of her expectancy? Would he notice her round form or change in scent before she could form the words to tell him??
