
Out Last Night


03-26-2013, 12:36 PM

Sterling eyes stared at her hungrily, lustfully. Her ivory frame looked very much untouched.. and incredibly unspoiled. He gave a grin as she agreed to let him help her out of here, further enticing him with her actions. The male wasn't stupid, he knew he was being used. But what she didn't know was that soon enough he'd be using her. Oh yes, he knew how to lead a wolf on too. This was a delicate dance, and he was a far more experienced dancer than she. "Stay close, darling.. wouldn't want you getting lost, would we?" It was rhetorical, but certainly truthful. The man had no intentions of losing his newest conquest, and in fact, he intended upon keeping up with her all the way out of this icy tundra and into a warmer area where she would owe him a favor. With that, he nipped lightly at the fluff of fur nearest her blessed cheek before setting off, uncertain even if his nip had hit it's mark. If it had it would have done nothing more than tug at plush fur innocently - or perhaps not quite innocently.

He would lead the way, following the hardly visible pawprints he'd made. They had long since began to fill up with the constantly falling snow, but he was smart enough to know where he'd stepped, and soon was well on his way at filling his end of the bargain. Boy would she be surprised when he gave her his terms at the end of their little journey. Of course, perhaps she was planning the same thing too. Girls could be sly little minxes when it came to sexual games, and the man would never cease to be amazed at their willingness to let him have his way with them. Of course, that could be attributed to his natural charm. As they walked, he would turn his head to look at her. How did a pretty little thing like yourself manage to get way out here? Surely your daddy isn't fond of you wandering all by yourself. If I had a daughter half as pretty as you I'd keep her locked up or heavily guarded. Of course it was a lie, but it came out as smoothly as the truth would have. He was a heck of a liar, and a charmer to boot. That was a lethal concoction. Perhaps it would lead her to spill some vital information, like where she was from.
