
Buried With Our Past


03-13-2014, 09:40 PM
He held her close. Held her tightly against him. Tears began to then flow from his own eyes as they fell from hers. Why was she crying? He knew why he was crying...and it was because he had failed her. Failed his family. Now that they had found each other again, would she remain with him like they had promised as children? Even if temporarily until he could rebuild what they had once lost? He hoped so...he couldn't bear to separate himself from them again. From her. His throat constricted as he pressed himself against her soft form, the male unwilling to separate himself from his sister.

Reluctantly, he would step back as he nosed her face gently. "Ash, why are you crying? Please don't cry sis...I'm here, and I promise I won't leave." He whispered to her, tears streaming freely down his own face as he said this. Ears fell back, afraid...terrified that she hated him. He wanted so badly to find out if she hated him, but was afraid to know the answer. It was then that he scented something different, beneath her familiar perfume was a scent he had not smelled upon her before. Stepping back to look at her, he noticed for the first time the bulges of her sides. He was confused, since when did she want children? She had never spoken to him about it before, even as children...she had always been so independent, had she changed her mind? "Ash, you're...pregnant?" He muttered, unable to really say anything else. Should he be happy for her? Excited? Proud? He was unsure...perhaps, and hopefully, he would get some answers...