
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 10:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2014, 10:37 PM by Erani.)

Erani padded with a long flowing stride toward the wide flat boulder at the center of the plains. A tree grew beside it, long dead from a years past lightning strike. However, if you looked closely, you would note, at the base, that new life was welling from the tree. From seeds long since dropped. It had once been a great oak. Now it?s children would rise around it. With a sure leap, the snowy female bounded to the platform the boulder provided, the Full moon high above casting her in a radiant glow. Beneath her paws, the flecks of quartz in the stone winked and sparkled like so many tiny stars.

Deep blue gaze, warm and soft as a summer breeze, surveyed the presently empty expanse of grassland, before her head lifted, and her jaws parted in a low, sweet croon. She let the song flow across the plains, let the wind carry the notes to the four corners of the territories of Valhalla. Under the sweet song was the thrum of power that all Alphas held. It was a summons to all in the pack, calling them together, inviting them to come and play, to share with her the joys she had to offer them this night.

No wolf was left out from this song. From pup to Eldest wolves of the pack, all were invited. The crooning song softened, until only echoes remained, dancing on a summer night?s breeze. Her muzzle lowered, a gentle smile playing on her lips, as she waited for her pack, her family to come to her call.