
Buried With Our Past



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 11:04 PM

It was perhaps two or three days after the meeting, and Erani was enjoying a slow walk through the territory, her path meandering toward the lake, where wolves seemed to crop up often. She didn?t blame them. It was a lovely place, and a boon in the heat of Summer, and before she had brought Valhalla home, it had been unclaimed. Upon reaching the lake, and it?s small wealth of greenery at the edges, she lowered her head, lapping lightly at the water, before a scent; two scents, actually? Brushed over her nose from the breeze above the water. Her head lifted. Jinxx Black, and a female who shared his base scent. She also held the scent of pregnancy, and the salty scent of tears came from both.

She turned, breaking into a light trot, and headed toward the location their scents came from. She slowed as their voices came to her ears, perking her ears further to catch the conversation. As she heard what the female said, her good mood vanished, replaced by the chilling rage that felt like ice sliding through her veins. Outwardly, she looked calm, almost pleasant, but her eyes. Her eyes were where the calm pleasant look ended. They were lakes of ice, feral and brutal. ?Who attacked you, Lady?? Such a dangerously calm voice. She didn?t need to say ?raped?. The end result of the attack was obvious enough. The female was beautifully marked, and bore a similarly shaped marking on the left shoulder, like Jinxx. A sister, with how similar their scents were. This woman was family, blood of a member in her pack. Family to her pack.

In Erani?s birth pack, rape was punishable by death. The death sentence would be what paid the blood debt. Murder, as well. And the way the executions were drawn out were in direct level with the amount of pain dealt to the victim of the rape or murder. It could be swift, or it could be drawn out, to make the convicted suffer as much as their victim had. What gentleness Redwood had was lost on the punishments for these two crimes. Harming a pup was another harshly punished crime. It was the dark side of Redwood, and it was there because of Blackmoon pack. Many had been murdered or raped by the wolves of that pack, and if ever they were tracked down, the executions would be dealt. The same would go for the attacker of this female.

?His life is forfeit.? Four soft words, chilling as the wind that tears over a glacier. And as final as the killing blow.