
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



03-14-2014, 01:09 AM
The still air came alive with the sound of song, sweet and welcoming, the warmth in its tones of one who sang to family, the ice-toned brute would raise his head for a moment to allow the sound to wash over him and enjoy in everything in granted: A home and a family. A smile would grace his features then as he shook out his coat and made his way to his paws. His first night in this pack was yet to pass and already it felt like a long one, that began with his acceptance, middled with the meeting of another and now this night would end with the presence of new family, new faces and the beginning of his new life.

He was on his paws now and falling into a graceful stride he followed the notes and scents until he found himself in her chosen area, as he came within her sights he would note also the wolves that had gotten there before him, to the black and white figure who's coat stained with a marking and the black brute that stood with the one member he now knew: Erion. The young and dramatically wronged creature stood indignantly with the black brute, who Alpine assumed to be his father. Offering the young one and easy, warm smile as is focus fell on Erani, by this point he was joining the crowd standing before her, bowing his head in respect, not presumptuous enough to intrude upon her meeting with words of his own, he just sat their in silence, ensuring there was space to his right side in case a certain little creature decided to seat itself beside him.