
Worn out places, worn out faces



03-14-2014, 01:24 AM
He was proud of the spirit the pup showed, first going Alpine's paw, much larger then his own before he seemed to realise a smaller and more tender target might be more appropriate. A paw scrubbed against the ebony black of his skin and he felt a tang of pain as a claw snagged his flesh, although he made no noise of discomfort as the pup fought him.

They had split apart now and the pup seemed to squirm on his belly with the release of Alpine's paws, like a tossed turtle. He loved how this little one wasn't afraid to show spirit, to fight back, to have not only curiosity but to ask questions and to learn. He showed the life of a wolf who was content in his life, not afraid and eager and it touched at Alpine's heart.

But enough of that, the little bugger was on his feet now in a bound, even as questions flowed from his mouth in bright, cheery tones.
?Because I was taught, and because I practised every day for a long time to build muscle-memory and strength?
A pup couldn't get a more honest answer then that, he would leave no illusion to the training it took to build a fighter, training the pup might be too young to have started yet.

Alpine was pleased to see the still unnamed pup learning, he didn't go height in this attack, he went low and nipped at Alpines strong legs, shooting beneath and going for the tail. Alpine allowed him to follow the attack through, his teeth nipping at the skin of his legs and attaching to his long tail. Alpine pretended to trip against his own tangled legs as through in an attempt to follow the pup's attack with stumbling movements of his own, falling on his stomach with the pup untouched hanging onto his prize behind him.

Alpine laughed again, surprised at his own enjoyment, if this would continue on the older wolf would make it increasingly difficult for the other, encouraging him to think harder act quicker and perhaps improvise in the head of battle, but for now the pup was already proving he could listen.
?Alright, alright brute, if you're gona give me a work out you can at least tell me your name. I'm Alpine, by the way?