
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts


03-14-2014, 06:15 AM
The summoning howl would arise, and Arwel would move on, cerulean eyes shining curiously as he went to attend his very first pack meeting. The male was looking forward to bonding further with his pack mates, though he had still yet to meet many of them. A rusty-red and black tail swayed behind him as he walked, leaving his duties of tracking the herd animals for the moment. He could pick back up on that later, but Arwel knew better than to keep an alpha waiting.

So he would arrive. He was not the first, not that he had expected to be, but he certainly wasn't the last. The brute would walk up among fellow packmates, taking a seat next to a white and black male whom he had not seen before. He tipped his head in Erani's direction, offering her a warm smile, but chose to not speak. He was here as a listener, until there came a time for his voice to be heard, for whatever reason that may be. He would also glance to the brute beside him, giving a nod of greeting, a welcoming look in his eyes.