


03-14-2014, 12:26 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Requiem
How did you get here?: I'm a member of your sister site, Anikira
Age: 15 years

Character's Name: Hyperion
Age: 8 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 35 inches
Appearance Description: Hyperion is an old wolf now. His body has seen several years of weathering and hardship, but he has survived. His frame is slightly bent with age, but he has a strong back and steady feet. His posture is always high and dignified, as his respect for authority is beginning to waste away. His hard golden stare holds a lust for rebellion.

Hyperion has a body layered with muscles and scars, blanketed with deep black fur that has brindled with age. His coat has a silvery, peppered look to it now, and it always appears to be wind-blown and scruffy. Patches of white are beginning to appear around his chin and throat. He has wounds new and old throughout his body, including a nearly imperceptible limp and a cut that nearly missed his left eye. His paws and lower legs are crossed with scars, and there are invisible battle wounds beneath his dark fur. Overall, Hyperion has a large and formidable silhouette that has seen countless days and has the marks to prove it.

His face is noble and handsome, and he has a charming smile. He may have easily been a casanova in his younger days, but youth has long been stolen from him now. Traces of his good looks are still noticeable, but there is an obvious air of wisdom in his flaxen eyes that gives his age away.