
Buried With Our Past



03-14-2014, 01:36 PM

It had been a few days since she had first met Twig, and it worried her that as much time as it had, had passed. Was the young mother-to-be ok? Did that male find her and finish what he had started. Hackles raised at such thoughts as she trotted along the borders searching. Imena felt this firey rage to protect and see this girl safe it alarmed her. She supposed it was because she had not much passion or care for anything in a long time. She had been just floating by since Cael left. Twig had sparked a small life back into her heart.

The scent of Twig, a male, Erani and high emotions sent her paws picking up speed. She would barge into the scene, tail held high and hackles raised. Her normal warm sky blue eyes cold and burning. At once she spotted Twig and rushed to her side, giving a gentle nuzzle before eyeing the male, Jinxx. He seemed like part of her family by scent and markings but one was never to sure. She stood there, stiff-legged eye trained on the male till she was sure he was no threat, even if he did carry Valhallan's scent. Turning she looked to Erani, "I would like to take this girl into my custody for protect and to help her, If both you and she are agreeable to it." Her voice was strong, confident but full of loving care for the girl.