
The road beneath my feet



7 Years
03-14-2014, 02:14 PM

With the Summer heat making her rather drowsy and being in heat making her rather anxious, it truly was an awful time for Emer to attempting travelling. She?d pressed on though and now had at last managed to leave the Southern parts of Alacritia behind her, finding herself in the Eastern lands instead. She?d parted from the coast now as well; having traced the rivers through the lands until eventually she had hit the Momentum Rapids. It was here she recalled, that she had met Valerius, though she hadn?t seen the male again since and had no idea where she might find him. Birch on the other hand, with his little group was probably somewhere close by.

She wasn?t searching for him though, still the girl had little idea what she wished to do with herself and instead was simply in the East doing what it seemed she did best as of late; wandering. She had nowhere to go and no one to see, although Birch had offered and had seemed pleasant enough, Emer still couldn?t bring herself to make any sort of decision for herself. Physically she may have known where she was now, but mentally she was still feeling rather lost.

The heat was getting to her again and she found herself feeling rather uncomfortable. Walking closer to the edge of the water she carefully lowered her head, and took a drink. The little woman certainly thought that a paddle or swim was out of the question nor did she fancy one being enforced on her by losing her balance and falling in. She needed a drink though, shade would be wonderful about now but a rest would simply have to do. Things would begin to cool down once more from this point of the day, though it would take its time. Though she couldn?t help but feel she should have followed trees rather than the river.