
The road beneath my feet



5 Years
03-14-2014, 02:20 PM

To Novella?s surprise and pleasure it seemed that Emer was calming a little more now, at last she was speaking a little more. ?I used to be part of a pack, my family are all still there and I do miss them now. I?m not sure if I?ll join another pack though. It is a little? daunting.? The words were a little sad really, she figured Emer must be feeling rather lonely, she?d had family still close by when she was a rogue and they had of course been there to help her make her decision when joining a pack; it had been a no-brainer really for her.

?Some of my family are still in my birth pack. I?m quite lucky though as most of them are here in Alacritia now. It made it easy to decide which pack to go to, one of my sisters is actually the alpha of Ludicael now.? She could only imagine how tough the decision would have been without her family here as well. It?d been hard enough to give in and admit she wouldn?t be heading back to Ahlon any time soon, but to do that alone would indeed be a very daunting task. She wouldn?t push Emer to join Ludicael, but she could at least tell her a little of what she knew about the pack.

?It?s a good pack even without family though.? Novella responded. ?Not all of the members are Destructions, and they all seem to like it there. Lots of kind wolves, and I?m an apprentice so I get to learn all sorts of different things from the other wolves in the pack. I?m sure they?d teach you no matter what rank you had.? Some of the extra knowledge had certainly helped to boost her own confidence when it?d been a little shattered after the Ludicael challenge. She wouldn?t voice it, but perhaps learning new things would help Emer too. ?I?m not trying to push you to join of course. It?s up to you, but maybe just speaking to some of the people living in the packs might help things seem a little less daunting.? She added with a smile.