
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



8 Years
03-14-2014, 06:33 PM

Sarak was depressed again. Azalea had vanished after the challenge, leaving the field of Battle, and he hadn?t seen her since. He?d tried to follow her scent, but the trail came up cold, washed away by the sea, and all tracks demolished by the waves over the sand. He?d traveled up and down that beach, up and down, and had found no renewal of the trail. His children, for he saw them as his own, were nowhere to be seen. He?d searched for them, smelled them, and yet he?d been unable to find them. Had the pink bastard taken them away?

He was gaunt again, having dropped weight during the time he?d been back in the Plains. All that he caught was for the pack. Something forced him to eat, just enough to keep him going. Not knowing where they were, his little family that he?d found among a much larger family, was eating him alive.

Mossy green eyes opened slowly as Erani?s howl rolled through the territory. For a moment, he considered not even getting up. However that pull was too strong, and he rose slowly, slipping out from his small den. He crossed the territory under a full moon?s light, green eyes on the ground, until the sounds of the others filled the air around him and he found himself surrounded by his pack. He stopped, mechanical movements ceasing as his haunches dropped to the ground. He looked around, hoping she?d be there, but she wasn?t. So quietly, he lowered himself to the ground and rested his chin on his paws, eyes raising to the bright form of Erani, her silver daughter Surreal beside her.