
I'll Sing You One Last Song


03-14-2014, 06:56 PM

Destruction would shake her head, a warm smile on her face as Bane spoke. ?Honestly Bane, don?t worry about it. I?m just happy that I can help.? She knew well enough it would be too dangerous for the lone elder to take on such a task alone. Her mind was still working, trying to find some way of making sure he didn?t die out here on his own. Their noses would touch, and Destruction felt a bit of happiness stir in her heart. She was proud of herself. For making the right decision to make peace with Bane... And glad that she had become part of his new family. His pups helped fill the void of losing Dillinger, and honestly the female couldn?t imagine being around greater young wolves.

She would rest there beside them, their fur mingling, her own body giving him some warmth. She would give a nod, crimson eyes shining as Bane spoke. ?You can count on me, Bane. I will do everything I can to prepare him for anything that this world may throw out him. Good things and bad things alike.? She would chuckle as she felt the playful nip, her tail flicking a bit. ?...and it means a lot that you would let me become part of your family, Bane. I?m so much happier now... So very happy.? She would rest her own head on her paws. ?I don?t know about you but I think I could use a nap... And after that I?ll get started on those traps. Unless you?d like me to hunt for you first.? She would chuckle again, the feeling between them light.


{{Ooc:: End thread?}}}