
myths of the vagabond heart


03-14-2014, 07:00 PM
Night was a beautiful time, and it helped give a bit of relief to the relentless heat of summer. The young woman walked along, nose to the ground, as she wandered, to her mind, alone in the moonlit lands. Ears would twitch at the sounds of insects singing their songs to the night, delicate paws stepping lightly upon the earth as she moved forward. When one wandered at night it could almost seem as if the rest of the world was gone, and only they and the night was left.

She had made her way to the island earlier in the day, an attempt to cool her coat and rid it, at least for a while, from the heat in the cool waves. The water churned and tossed the small female, but if anything, though not one to fight, the young woman was a stubborn creature, and refused to be lost to such a thing as the waves. No, fate had a much different path for her she was sure. Eyes would light up as she came upon a large leaf. She would sniff it a couple times, going over in her mind what it was. Burdock leaf.

So far Ellis had come across a couple different plants on the island, though most she had found elsewhere in Alacritia. Still, it never hurt to explore new places. On top of that any wolf scents she had come across on the island were faded... Though that wasn?t too uncommon for an island. Coming to a stop the white, silver, and brown female would sit, lifting one paw into the air as she tipped her head back, a sweet, beautiful song filling the air. In her homeland it was a song healers sang to the earth every now and then to thank it for it?s bounty... And it was a song that Ellis sang most every night.