
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts


03-14-2014, 11:54 PM

The day had swiftly switched to night, making the time she spent with her family more of a blessing than anything. As she laid on the cool ground of their den, playfully pawing at Erion and Isis, a howl rang out in the air. Friction approached her and gave her a nuzzle, loving to the touch and sending chills down her spine. He informed her and the pups of the meeting and she dutifully followed. "After you, dear," she softly said, tones warm to the air.
Friction picked up their son and she heard him wailing in his father's grip. A sad smile appeared on her lips as she lowered her muzzle to pick up Isis. The pup willingly accepted being raised in the air and a soft giggle escaped Eria. She loved her children equally, even though Erion preferred her all the time over their father. Sometimes it was sweet, other times it was annoying. She would never tell him that, unless a boundary was crossed. With such thoughts in mind, she left the den and followed Friction's retreating body.
When they arrived to the scene of what was to come, Eria lowered Isis in front of her. The pup immediately began to scramble after her brother, wanting to meet Erani as well. Ice blue eyes looked up to the white female and she took a few steps towards her husband before sitting next to him. She looked around and wondered what would happen in the future.
