
Smells Like Teen Spirit


03-15-2014, 12:31 AM

here to relive your darkest moments

It was so chilly here in the North. Since the summer spells had hit, Flamesong had not been able to escape the heat in his Valhallan home. The plains were void of large and shady trees to shield from the biting heat of the sun, and his only rest was either out of the territory or holed up in his den. It was for this reason, he kept telling himself, that he had ventured so far away from home.

The silver man knew that he was not trespassing on any packlands, he was sure of that. He did however know that Tortuga had land nearby, and the possibility of running into a certain pale beauty was thrilling. He felt like a pup, wandering away from home in search of adventure. He was not breaking any rules though. The woman was a good friend and there was no harm in keeping his out-of-pack allies close to heart.

Before long, the silver man's cold paws encountered hard wood, and by the looks of it, Flamesong was standing in the depths of a large man-made wooden object. He had no idea what it was, but it's caverns were intriguing. The man temporarily forgot his purpose in the Northern lands and pushed onward. The scents were so strange in this wooden cave. It smelled like oceanwater and burned forest wrapped into one object. There were strange items and shiny trinkets that he had never seen in his life.
Amber eyes twinkled in curiosity as he happened upon a large wooden box, it's lid knocked off of its supports and thus spilling its contents onto the deck below. He nosed his way into the weird box-like object and felt his nose bury into a soft object that felt almost like fur, and a bit like cold water. He pulled the thing out and watched as it draped over the ground beneath his paws.

His tail wagged in childlike wonderment and he found himself lifting it in the air again, only to run beneath it as it drifted over the chill air. A chuckle escaped his maw as the thing fell across his back, enveloping him in soft, silky warmth. He had to do that again.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]