
Bad Weather, Good Company



03-28-2013, 10:18 PM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

Lightning flashed, lighting up the sky and sending shadows across the floor of the forest and between the trees, bright and sudden. Rain cascaded upon the trees in thick sheets, rattling against the leaves and pines and dripping off of everything in the vicinity. There was nothing the rain did not touch, nothing that it had not touched. The bad weather had lurked over the Valhallan lands for days, drenching every inch of it and turning the moist earth into a muddy mess. Little rivulets of water trickled through the forest and fed into streams, which in turn added strength to the large river that wound through the territory and separated it definitively from the rest of the world. Nothing could be heard save the sound of the rain as it fell heavily upon the forest.

All except for the sound of muddy, wet paws as they squished through the mire and traversed the forest. Each of them, including her single white paw, were covered with mud, the mess seeping up between her toes and making her travels tricky since slipping was a constant risk. So far she had managed to keep her feet as she traveled the forest, but that was only a small victory. The rains had begun seeping into her pelt, lending her back and upper sides a darker grey color than it looked when dry. Limply her tail hung against her legs while her ears tucked protectively against her head, gold and purple eyes squinted to ward off the downpour. It was uncomfortable and unwise for Ashtoreth to be out and about now during the storm, risking her health, but it was better than the alternative.

That being, in this instance, idleness. As much as she enjoyed lounging and spending time on things aside from pack duties, she hated the sense that she was shirking her responsibilities. And with the weather horrid as it had been, her task of hunting had been made slightly more challenging. Many animals had gone and hidden from the brunt of the thunderstorm as lightning, thunder, and rain shook their forests and lit the skies for split seconds at a time. It was not prime weather for hunting, and neither, she was beginning to realize, was it weather for a quick patrol. The little grey wolf had sought out the boundary to the pack lands, assuring herself that a short stroll along the border would be perfectly fine, but as the rain began to touch flesh, seeping beneath her coat, she was ready to head back to the heart of the pack lands and dry off somewhere among her pack mates.

Slipping close beneath the rough bark of a tree trunk, Ashtoreth hurried along with cautious attention paid to her steps, blinking against the rain and hoping that she could arrive at her destination before she was fully and completely soaked through.

OOC: Feels like a lame beginning for a thread. /: Sorry.


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