
What's the road for me?


03-15-2014, 08:16 AM

When you put it like that, this certainly hadn't been the most conventional of meetings, even for Isi. The young girl hardly stuck to orthodox ways most of the time, straying to do whatever she felt like in the moment. It was probably rather fortunate that she'd found herself in the company of a pack watching her grow up then rather than meeting complete strangers all the time, though of course it was now time for circumstances to change. She certainly would be meeting and befriending more strangers, Raisa was only the start of that list.

"C'mon, I'll show you the way." Came the Queen's simple statement as she turned to lead the way to what Isi supposed would now be her new home. It was rather exciting really, and Raisa certainly didn't need to say the words again as Isi bound into action, eagerly following her. There were likely to be more questions voiced along the way, or random comments that sprung to her mind. It didn't typically take her long at all to warm up to others, and after the brief concern of drama, she was back to feeling quite relaxed again.