
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



3 Years
03-15-2014, 11:31 AM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Erani's call rose over the land, pulling Tyr from sleep. He'd been sleeping much more lately... he wasn't concerned, since he'd also been eating much more lately and he thought it was pretty likely he was just drowsy from the extra food. His ears pricked up at the faint sound - if he hadn't been staying pretty close to Erani it may not have been able to wake him, with his greatly reduced hearing. That might be a problem in the future, and he made a quick note of it to himself to come up with a solution. He owed everything to Erani, the food the very least of it, and he couldn't let her down by failing to appear when she called.

For now, he struggled to his feet. The regular meals had given him far greater energy when he was awake, but could do nothing to improve the state of his leg or the constant pain. Still, he broke out into an eager, if rather slow and limping, trot in the direction of Erani's call.

But as he came into view, his steps faltered and came to a stop. Panic beat in his chest, threatening to choke him at the sight of so many wolves already gathered there. Cringing back, he circled around, slinking to avoid notice. Ears down, tail pressed against his belly, he crept into the scant shelter of the flat boulder Erani was on. She was the only wolf there he really knew, could come close to trusting, and he couldn't just not go, so he made the effort to be as near as possible while still remaining out of notice.

He shuddered, belly pressed to the ground in his crouch, ashamed of the terror that torrented through him but unable to control it. He hadn't been around so many wolves since Hroovitnir's death and before then, chances were if he were actually at a gathering it was probably a gathering to see him punished for something, or to witness the punishment of someone else. Hroovitnir had certainly enjoyed a spectacle, and the public punishments had doubled as a warning to all. It was hard to shake that memory.

But Tyr quickly realized that he was not alone in his shelter; had in fact invaded the sanctuary of another wolf who looked as overwhelmed as himself. A young pup, revealed only by the soft gasp of one trying not to sob... a sound Tyr knew all too well from his own throat. He felt a sudden kinship with the pup, an unusual thing to happen for the untrusting wolf, but he was only a pup, and seeing the tears on the little guy's face broke Tyr's heart. The terror receded a bit, just a bit, as empathy rushed over him.

Tyr hesitated though, not knowing what exactly to do about it. It wasn't like he'd spent a whole lot of time with pups, and this one was a complete stranger. He didn't know Tyr, and Tyr didn't know him or how he'd react. But Tyr lifted his good forepaw, not speaking so as to not draw attention but making a gesture, a silent offer to the pup for someplace to curl up, for someone to comfort him. His ears and tail remained flat in fear, but he tried to inject something friendlier, more welcoming in his manner.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear