



03-15-2014, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2014, 12:39 PM by Themisto.)

"I hope Maverick and Epiphron are living up to the legacy." Her comment would bring a rarely placed smirk to his face, a chuckle bubbling within closed jaws. "They left too, Chrysanthe. My whole family left Seracia..." He would say in response, his features morphing into a saddened expression. He was nothing without his family, and with all of them gone he had no reason to really be in Seracia. "I'm not sure - but I know that my mother would not let anyone be homeless for long. She's getting older, but nothing seems to slow her down." Her next comment would bring his mind out of a fog, and his gaze would rise to meet hers, a warm smile quirking the corners of his lips. Indeed, he assumed her mother was a powerful woman seeing that she had raised such a stunning daughter. "If not her, there are a few that might step up." He would nod in acknowledgement, since he too understood that someone would bring Valhalla back at some point.

"You're a catch Themi, you'll find someone." His lips would crease as his smile widened tremendously, and his cheeks would burn as he blushed shyly. His gaze would momentarily flash toward the ground, his stomach flip flopping wildly within him. She had never really complemented him before, at least not in this way. He like it, hell, he loved it. And he could get used to it. "I'd bet she's out there waiting for you already." Sunset hued orbs would rise to align with her pools of sedative azure. All his regrets and worries would melt away as he gazed into her eye, and his lips would crease and he barley breathed the words "I hope so..." She would nudge him, and he would gently nudge her back, a warm, tingly sensation enveloping his frame as their flesh tenderly met. He would chuckle happily, and he would begin to wish that they could live in this moment forever.

But, she would continue on about a different subject now: Gideon. "Don't apologize, you didn't chase him off." He would nod silently, and he would nudge her in a comforting way. He could only imagine how heart broken Gideon's disappearance had made her, and he certainly did not want her to feel somber. Their gazes would meet again, and he would find himself gazing aimlessly into her one eyed stare. Only the murmur of her sweet lyrics could trigger consciousness again, and he would smile, a lighthearted chuckle bubbling forth as she spoke captivating words. His head would tilt slightly, his fangs revealed as he beamed warmly at her. Was she finally starting to see that he had been here this whole time? Was she finally starting to see that they had something? His stumped tail would wiggle behind him as he barley managed to contain the swell of emotions inside him.

"If you aren't busy in Seracia, would you stay with me for a while? I..." His ears would instantly swivel toward her, a look of disbelief crossing his features. Had she just... invited him.. to stay in Valhalla with her!? "I would really enjoy your company, especially while I'm healing and Valhalla's resettling." He would nearly jump out of his seat as he rose instantly, his tail wiggling madly behind his massive frame. "I would love to stay in Valhalla with you. I will speak with Seracia's alpha, and I will return to your borders and call for your leader. Meet me then, alright?" He would say with a smile, excitement dancing within his eyes. He was so overwhelmed with joy he could kiss her! But he wouldn't, as he intended to save that moment for another time. "For now, I bid you farewell, my lady." He would say with an amused smirk, his upper body lowering as he bowed before the once queen halfheartedly. He would rise and attempt to plant a tender lick upon her left cheek before nodding toward the island before them. "You better get going."



OOC: And she may reply here now! :3