
Banishing Evil Thoughts

Twig I


03-15-2014, 03:33 PM
She was thankful for Themisto's gentle presence, his bright gaze and sweet nuzzles soothed her nerves. She would feel her lids slip closed as the healer would place with her a simple kiss upon her cheek. She would feel a tingling in her stomach as a quick blush would arise to her pale features. Her eyes would slide open slowly as Themisto pulled away to speak, his resulting question would stop her cold. It certainly hadn't crossed her mind to rid her body of their presence early. Of course if she chose such option the lives which were growing within her could perish. She felt her eyes grow damp as the option of aborting them filled her mind, she knew she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill them. As Imena had said, they were completely innocent of their sire's crime. "Of course, I couldn't hurt them." she would physically shake her head as she tried to rid her mind of previous thoughts. She'd experienced enough death and heartache to contemplate such actions. "I didn't ask for them, but they've been placed in my care so I'm determined to protect them as best I can." twig was ready to take on the world for her children, they had a horrific beginning but she would do her best to give them a fighting chance at a future. Themisto's gaze would travel towards the healer Imena, and Twig's would follow. She wondered briefly if they'd met before.?