
devil in the dark


03-15-2014, 06:08 PM

The irritable feline stalked into the dark cavern with an expression of pure relief on her severe features. She had escaped the damned wolves infesting her territory, and found somewhere that held only the oldest scents of the mongrels. Pale golden optics would glow faintly in the darkness that enveloped her as she slunk through the tunnels leading away from the heat of the open air. The further she traveled into the caves, the cooler it became and the less aggravated the beast got. Eventually she reached an enormous stone platform, roughly seven feet off the ground and eight feet long. Just big enough for her, and offering a vantage point in case any more of the mutts decided to harass her. Powerful cords of muscles would bunch in her long rear legs, and launch her straight up onto the stone platform.

Folding her giant frame onto the stone bed, the monster relaxed her tensed muscles and sprawled across the cool grey surface. A yawn would stretch wide the formidable jaws of the daemon as she laid her crown upon her massive forepaws and let her primrose orbs flutter shut. A contented sigh would leave the beast's salmon nostrils as she gave a flick of her dark tipped tail and relaxed in the presence of pure silence. There were no wolves to annoy her, no mangy mutts to attack her, and there was no way it could possibly get any better.
