
Some Like it Hot

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
03-15-2014, 09:17 PM

The roar of the rapids made his throat burn with thirst. Paw after striped paw the graceful leviathan picked his way out along the rocks and to the edge of the river that cut it's way through Alacritis. Gracefully bending his head he lapped at the water, enjoying the spray on his face and the feel of the cool liquid sliding down his throat. Licking his lips he rested back on his haunches. Sk?lingr was tempted to take a swim but he knew better than to fight the rapids. As might a creature as he was he knew he was no match for the might of mother nature who could smite him at any moment as if he were no more than a flea.

Sk?linger began to travel along the river at a steady, silent jog. All rivers led somewhere or came from somewhere. He followed the direction where the river was flowing from, curious if it was from the mountains or perhaps a lake. He let his mind wander as we walked. The warm afternoon sun was beating down on him but the coolness of the river spray was helping. He was suddenly aware of the scent of wolf and as he slowed to a stop he saw her. A reddish femme with ice blue eyes.

His tail twitched as he analyzed the scent. It did not ring of a pack and the land seemed unclaimed. Sk?lingr gave the femme a nod in greeting, uncertain of how she'd react to his presence as he'd had a large variety of reactions in his life. He figured it might not hurt to ask for some directions though. "Miss, I don't suppose you'd know if there is a lake nearby, hm?"