
Some Like it Hot


03-15-2014, 10:12 PM

Isabella was lost in her own thoughts, in the silence as she moved along until there was a strange scent in the air. It was a new scent, one she had never caught before. Pausing she lifted her head and tired to identify it. Alphonso noticed her changed and moved beside her paw looking forward as well. "What is it?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Isabella didn't look at him as she spoke."I do not know. It reminds me of a mountain lion, in the few times you can catch their scent anyway but this is different, very different." There was a hint of curiosity in Isabella's voice. It wasn't often she found a scent she didn't know and that mean she could learn something, and learning was one of the few things that excited Isabella.

Looking this way and that it wasn't too long before she saw whatever it was that held the scent. It was massive, larger than any any creature she had seen save for a bear. I was definitely feline with long whiskers, fur like fire with shadowy stripes and emerald eyes. Judging by the size of the feline Isabella would make a quick snack for it yet it seemed he, as the feline was male by scent and voice, clearly didn't see her as food by his question. This was a surprise to her, she was always taught to fear mountain lions as they were thought to eat any wolf they saw on sight. This feline however seemed polite and only wanted to know where less rough waters are.

For a moment Isabella was silent, watching the creature a moment. There was no need to size this feline up, it was large and that was enough. She didn't know much or reading feline body language anyway yet seemed honest. Isabella nodded in response to the question. "Ah yes, my apologizes on the I have just never seen anything like you before. There is a lake and some waterfalls but they are claimed by wolves. However there is crisp clear water to be found in a cavern not far from here. Up the river and by the mountains there is a cave that is easy to miss if you don't look close or follow the scent of water. It is pleasant in the cave so long as you mind your step and the water is worth it."

Isabella's voice wasn't as empty as it was before, there was a bit of curiosity and eagerness within it, hidden not so deep under the icy voice. "But if I may ask before you go Sir, what are you? And where do you come from."Isabella felt a nudge at her paw and looked down to Alphonso who looked up at her with expecting eyes. "Oh, again I apologize. My name is Isabella Ventflurrer, a loner in these lands." Introducing herself she gave a dip of her head before Alphonso spoke. "Are you a leopard?" He spoke in a happy eager voice. "I'm a leopard gecko, all of my kind know leopards are large cats but we have yet to see one. I have spots and you have stripes but perhaps we are kinsmen by name?" Isabella almost laughed. "His personality is certainly large enough to be named of someone of your size."

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."