
Teach me everything you know


03-26-2013, 08:39 PM

Time had past since the pack meeting and ranks where sorted. Collision had given her the rank of Healer. She was pleased with this but still didn't know enough to actually be of benefit to the pack. She knew how to keep her own wounds clean and others, but as far as more advanced issues she was lost. She knew she would need some guidance, and she knew just the wolf.

It was another spring day, the weather was warming, the land growing green, plants sprouting up. She had been up early this morning, intending on finding the Healer, but so far she had little luck. She had settled down in the heart of the territory, soft grass tickling her paws. An ivory tail curled around her body as she sat. And for a moment the dame just sat, listening to the calming sounds around her, taking in the sights of her home. She had begun to settle in better than before.

Skull lifted into the air, pearly maw parted, releasing of a soft melody, requesting Erani's presence. Not rushing the dame at all should she be busy. Cutting the song to an end, she dropped her head back down and began to wait, allowing her thoughts to drift away from her.
"speech" thought