
Buried With Our Past


03-15-2014, 11:43 PM


He held her close. Ignoring the hard stare from the other she-wolf that had appeared. He knew not who she was, and so cared not about what she thought of him. He only cared for his sister at this moment in time. He flattened his ears when he heard what his sister had to say, unwilling to hear anymore of the story. How could someone have done that to his sister?! Where the hell had he been when it happened? He felt his heart tearing up inside at the thought, he wasn't there when she needed him...did she hate him for it? He felt her press against him again, and he would only press tighter into her. He would not let her go, not again. He leaned down to lick away the tears, trying to calm her and show her that he would remain with her. "I will remain with my sister and I will be the one to take care of her. I failed her once...I won't let it happen again. Erani, will you grant her sanctuary here?"

He swallowed as he thought about his sister returning into the world alone, and in her condition. He did not want her to be out alone, not now. He would ensure his safety, and if need be he would follow her to make sure she would be safe or convince her to remain with him in Valhalla until he was able to reunite their scattered family and rebuild what they had once lost. Lunatik was still out there, of that he was sure. And he knew their older brother would do anything to make sure the Legion would die off...even if it meant corrupting or killing those who would not follow. He knew his brother was capable, but those were things he did not want to discuss in front of these others. He would not place them with the knowledge of knowing that the members of the Legion could bring potential danger simply by association. They would have to find Pulsus, find the rest of the family that they had in the lands and find a path to walk upon...Father would know what to do...

Leaning down again, he nuzzled his sisters head with affection. Comforting her and letting her know as best he could that he would be there. "I won't leave your side again, trust me sis...You'll be alright, I'll take care of you." He whispered to her. The affection and bond as siblings was strong, apparent to those who watched. He didn't care about anything in the world as much as he cared for his family...and he hoped that they knew that.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark