
A chance for change



03-16-2014, 05:03 AM

Alas, his hope for her would begin to fade; to fizzle and waver behind the dulling glaze of her emerald stare. Her intelligence he was unaware of, convinced that where his blood reigned supreme there would always be hope to make the wrong right. However Taurig had become far more of the brainwasher than he had allowed himself to realise, and the fragile woman that now stood before him would only melt weakly beneath the dwindling mental capacity her brother had forced upon her. He frowned slightly at her words, ?There is no such thing as the perfect moment,? perhaps the words far too wise for the gradual distaste that would begin to brew beneath his ruby gape. ?The world will pass a wolf by if she simply watches time, breakable and afraid against the sidelines of a usurpers world,? tongue flicked at coral lips within but a moment of ponder.

But he was not yet done, and in the same way nor was she. And the duo, although so different in appearances suddenly began to show similar qualities; bubbling suggestions of pride and relentlessness. The difference? The babe had nothing to show for herself. He would sway then, light on his toes as if prepared for either one of them to assault; simultaneously blissful as his features would change from a crawling disappointment to a flutter of hopeful pleasure. His ruby lanterns igniting with a buoyant suggestion of the youth that still caressed his mind, ?Then why not take it now?? Because you know you are incapable, little girl. Towers flickered as a dry rumble chuckled beneath his jugular, distantly molesting her youth with a twisted rolling of his salmon tongue.