
Uneasy understandings


03-16-2014, 01:47 PM
The land around Neika seemed to welcome her erratic and colorful attributes, mostly playful and discordant, she busied herself along the sweet scented long grasses with a crafted game of butterfly catching. For now she had had enough of wandering aimlessly through the sanguine ways of traveling and survival , and found her dearest calling not in destroying life, but in creating it, and worshiping it.It was usually Sirus's duty to kill and attain their prey, leaving Neika quite defenseless if she ever had to truly hunt on her own. Surely she couldn't live off of insects and small rodents forever, and for just a moment Neika sat on her tail to reflect on her and Sirus's downfalls, while still enjoying the sensation of delicate paper thin wings frittering against her tongue that was emitted from a butterfly that was trapped within her canines.

She often contemplated leaving or staying for awhile now, pacing through the wilderness; mostly alone while the larger prey and birds watched her with confused grimaces as she talked against her own thoughts which swarmed her head with insecurities and indecision. Neika wasn't one for the whole, "Make love not war" thing, although she was fine with the "love" part, it was the "not war" part that internally bothered her. It gets shit done though ,and animals had to die in for her and her brother's survival. It wasn't the brawl with a prey that often scared her away from completing the task of killing something, no, it was the look they often gave her as death rolled ruthlessly into their eyes,while trying to struggle for their last breath. The strange wolf didn't really mind eating the prey though, when she was busying herself, gnawing on flesh and marrow which often dissipated the guilt of having to take another creatures life; while the thoughts of filling up her own belly consumed her.

With guilt Neika finally decided to open her mouth, allowing the monarch butterfly its freedom, although it didn't really go anywhere now, now that its wings were bent and dampened. With her head canted to the side she merely inspected the insect now on a bending long blade of grass doing it's best to recover when she heard something strange, something struggling that caused her entire lithe body to sit up frigidly and quietly, while her ears twitched with anticipation to hear it again. A cry like nothing she had witnessed before, it was strange and mewing sound, young and from Nieka's perception it was quite defenseless. Getting up from her spot to then thread through the grasses cautiously, she decided to investigate. At least from a safe distance...what she spotted in a small clearing had her become disgruntled.A small cougar kit struggled around in the grass to call out for its mother,whom apparently had been missing for quite sometime now. At least from by looks of it. Neika reckoned that the kit was forcefully alone, perhaps abandoned by its own mother. Her brother's voice popped into her head with caution of all the dangers that might arouse from a situation like this, but something in Neika tugged her towards the small animals direction as if there was some sort of maternal string being pulled from her chasm.

She knew that she was now in a pack's territory, although as dangerous as this might seem , she was very determined to at least try to keep the small creature from crying any louder, which could draw unwanted attention from other animals into their direction. Lowering herself nervously to the ground, her eyes searched carefully around at their surroundings before making the decisions to creep towards the frightened cougar kit " shhhh, you have to be quiet" Neika said with her own panic rising from her voice.