

Hermes I


03-29-2014, 04:31 PM

"Hermes control yourself!"

The boy flinched, turing to stare at his father, one ear flicked back. Why was he taking their side? That piece of rotting feces had raped their queen! He frowned but nodded, muttering an apology. Helios was right, they were sorely outnumbered and the Ludicael wolves could potentially wipe them all off the map regardless of whatever high-ended rhetoric they declared to believe in. But he hoped Helios was right. It would be a base wrongness for them not to try and make some sort of amends. Even if they would not be allowed to maim Virgil's rapist at least they could offer something?. prey, stock piles of herbs? something but to leave here without anything was unacceptable to the young brute.

Hermes blood continued to boil though as he listened to the white bitch speak. Mistaken? The Queen of Olympus? Such arrogance for her to immediately assume that she was right. Hermes knew Virgil would never lie. He managed to bite back his tongue but just barely.

Talk of Anthem's disability was brought to light and that was the last straw for Hermes. Despite his father's warning his words let loose again though this time, cold and sharp compared to the heated rage he spoke with before. "If he's so helpless then why did you let him wander about without an escort?" If he was so precious to them why let him wander alone where he could be eaten by a bear or lord knows what. Had he been caught on a foreign pack territory he could easily have met a nasty fate. It was fine the if they wanted to deem Anthem innocent for his disability, but that meant the alphess or whoever was supposed to be watching the invalid was responsible. Ludicael could not escape from this blameless, in his mind. They could not.

His eyes caught sight of that annoying little woman sticking her tongue at him and he returned the gesture. What an irritating, immature little brat! He felt some satisfaction though as he saw her resolve weaken. That was right? they could sing Anthem's praises to the sky all they wanted but that would not change the horror of the act he'd done. The truth of what he'd done.

talk, think