
Uneasy understandings


03-16-2014, 02:38 PM
At first the small cougar was hushed by the approach of the young white wolf, perhaps in need of some comfort? Neika wasn't exactly sure, and it was a tad difficult to really understand Nieka's intentions, whether she was trying to quiet the cat down for its own safety or her own was to remain uncertain.

Her wet nose curiously probed at the small creature as it growled in return making Nieka a bit surprised by it's lack of consideration, as if hadn't known any better. Basic instincts wasn't something Neika was certain of nor did she comprehend its vitality.

Still with her belly on the ground and her tail wagging, seriousness became play time for the two year old as her paw reached up to the kittens head to bring its tiny body down to the ground with her. In that little moment of ignorance she heard another wolf's voice,atoned with assertiveness. In response Neika did the best possible thing she could do, and that was to lay on the poor kittens body to keep Neika's prize hidden from the other. Her wide blue eyes stayed on the other wolfs as though she was trying to determine his intent. Was he a foe? Was he friendly? Slowly Neika went from a sitting upright position to one that showed a defeated submission " nothing" she quirked at the other large wolf , with her ears folding back against her head tightly it was her tail that continuously swayed back and forth against the ground to show that she meatn no harm.

The Kitten growled against Neika's fur for air and she responded by trying to pivot just a little so that it can catch a breath of air.In Neikas srange mind, this was her kitten now, she found it first. Finders keepers." I wasn't doing anything wrong" she stated defenselessly.It was now that she wished her brother was around, to once again save her from an embarrassing moment. The male that was in her presence, she noticed was large , holding an ardor of controlled respect. It was one of the first times in almost a year that she had happened onto another wolf's presence on her travels caused her to be a bit enthralled , even excited.