
Uneasy understandings


03-16-2014, 03:17 PM
It was a senseless act to wander around on lands she wasn't in the least familiar with, although she smelled other wolves in the area, it was her excitement that blind sided her from making any reasonable,responsible decisions. Her tail reluctantly stopped swaying as her body remained low to the ground, showing off a rather compliant behavior. Swallowing the knots in the back of her neck, Neika did her best recover from her carelessness.

" I didn't know, I..I thought I was still in the outskirts. I didn't mean to come here"

Her head lowered even more seeing that the other wolf wasn't keen on leaving her alone with her new play thing anytime soon. As the male mentioned about the kits suffering under her lanky body weight, Neika gingerly mulled off of it to reveal the disgruntled cats presence now turning in circles within itself. As badly as she wanted to nurture the creature,she naturally didn't know how. Over the dry heat Neikas long tongue slipped out to smooth the fur that surfaced her maw. Was she in trouble?

Blinking her blue hues up at Iorwreth who was reaaallly intimidating her,so she decided to try and excuse herself out of all this mess. " I didn't mean no harm, I was just looking for my brother. I haven't seen him in a day or so and thought perhaps he might have wandered through here. I should get going now. I'm remarkably sorry for the intrusion" It wasn't like she was lying to the other wolf, the fact remained she was utterly lost even if Iorwreth might not exactly believe her. All she wanted to do now was to take this kitten and leave, instead her entire thin frame started to wrack itself with the shakes.