
Together Again



5 Years
03-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Conversation between the grown ups seemed to take off as Bane stepped outside of the den. Anais half listened as she smiled and glanced about her, already eying the riverside and wondering what all was hidden around it. It was a new location for her, and because of that her curiosity was piqued. Her paws itched to race down to the water and watch the rapids as they moved along, to learn the path that it wound through this stretch of wood and find the places where crossing and drinking were easiest. She longed to cling the banks and drift through the forest to learn of the animals that lived there and of any little nooks and crannies that might provide shelter or fun for later times. Now she supposed her mother would not approve of them wandering around, not when they were so new to the area. Later, she told herself, drawing in a breath as she returned her attention back to her siblings and parents.

Oh! They were talking about the pack. Her tail wagged as she considered the changes that had taken place. Overall, they had not affected the adventurous, boisterous little girl. What was a new leader to her when her duties mainly included playing, exploring, and learning to hunt and take care of herself? But she was excited about being mentored. There was plenty she could learn from her mother regarding fishing and even hunting, but she was more excited about learning to fight. How else was she going to keep up with the other wolves outside of their pack if she could not defend herself? The day that she could wander where she willed was one that she was eagerly looking forward to.

The path of her thoughts caused her to start looking about again, taking in what she could of the location beside the river. "Wow," she whispered, speaking more to herself than anyone present, "this place is pretty cool."

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.